Saturday, September 29, 2012

Walk in the Spirit with Disagreement

Water rushing down the hiking trail.

Walking in the Spirit in the midst of disagreement and opposition. Don't look to the problem look to what the Bible says and follow a course of reconciliation and peace making.

So what do you do when you have an enemy that is out to hurt you? You give a blessing in response.

What to do when experiencing opposition. Refer to the word in prayer for the peace of God and the direction of God and the will of God and the grace of God and the love of God.

The attitude of Abraham is a good course to take. Give way and take the lesser value alternative. God will bless you and support you as you walk in faith.

Romans 8 God will be with you and help you and support you and guide you and bless you and you can't go wrong walking in faith with God on your side.

You don't have to protect yourself. You can trust God to provide for you and be with you and give you a life of faith and joy and fulfillment.

Luke 12:15 not even when we have an abundance to does our life consist of our possessions. True life and joy comes from walking in the Holy Spirit and His word breathed to you.

With this attitude real problems become miniscule. Why? Because we are assured of God coming through for us and we have peace in the midst of turmoil. Then when the turmoil leaves not only will you be blessed in this life you will be blessed in the Spirit as well.

Life in the spirit does not look at what can be seen but what can't be seen. Life does not just consist of what you can see taste feel hear and smell. Just as radio and TV waves are here so is the Spirit of God. We accept the reality of the TV and radio waves without a problem. Let us accept the Spirit of God as well. He can do so much for us as we look to Him.

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