Saturday, September 26, 2015

Freely Give

Romans 8:21
“that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”

When Christians walk in freedom they walk in God's glory. Walking in God's glory is walking in God's power. Living in God's glory and power will give us victory over the problems that we face. The earth itself can be changed by faith. John 14:12; various Scriptures of Jesus having power over this world.

Always remember that having power without the willingness to live through the suffering (Romans 8:17) of the gospel negate faith and express selfishness. We can't live in the power of God and live in selfishness at the same time. (Also unforgiveness Mark 11:25; Pride Habakkuk 2:4 John 5:44)

The freedom that comes from Jesus will give us the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. When we learn to freely receive from Christ we can freely give. Matthew 10:8

Romans 5:1-5 teaches that God's grace comes by our accepting it by faith. Faith accepts God's grace and also looks to Christ instead of the flesh when trials come. We rejoice in Christ in the trial Romans 5:3 not because of the trial but because of the confidence that we have in Christ. There is victory in life. We don't fear an evil report, because  of our trust in God. Psalm 112:7 Trials just bring us into more glory and victory.

Our hope will not disappoint because the love of God brings us victory. Romans 5:5; Rom 8:39; Love brings the ultimate victory. Jesus overcame the world by His love expressed on the cross. The baton has been passed to us and we overcome the world by living in the spirit and not the flesh. Romans 8:5-13. We live in the Spirit Rom 8:13 and bring this life, John 6:63 taught in the Scriptures and experienced by having a relationship with Christ. And the relationship with Christ is expressed by loving others with faith in practical ways.

Understanding Scripture is not just mental assent. Our minds need to be renewed with the Scriptures so that when we go through trials of life we respond from our hope in Christ and the promises from the Scriptures instead of our minds and natural selfish defense or desires. Trials are a test of faith. How we respond shows if we are passing the test (2 Cor 13:5) or not. If I am not passing the test, I continue to renew my mind in Jesus. Romans 12:1,2.

If I am passing the test, I should continue to renew my mind as I meditate on Scripture. Psalm 1:2,3; Joshua 1:8; John 15:7

Freedom comes from knowing the truth. John 8:31,32. But again knowledge of Scripture is not mental assent but is spiritual knowledge which is expressed by works. If we don't use spiritual knowledge we really don't know what we think we know. James 1:22 We come to know by hearing and doing not just by hearing. Faith without works is dead. James 2:17 The way to learn spiritual knowledge is to hear and believe and apply what we believe with love towards others. Sunday morning church often times does not provide this outlet for learning. After the morning teaching the word they heard is plucked out of their heart Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:5  (notice I did not say out of their mind) and becomes just a vague memory or for the diligent a point of arrogance. 1 Cor 8:1.

Let us not be sluggish or arrogant, but instead let us respond to Christ and His teachings in love for others. Freely you have received, freely give.

Hebrews 6:11, 12 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end,so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

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