Monday, May 6, 2013

Sower and the Seed: Thorny Soil

Thorny soil has the worries of the world that crowd out the word of God, giving it no place in the heart. Worries about health, the worries of finances, the worries of politics. The worries of relationships.

We are told many times not to worry, but turn to God. A person that continues to worry instead of turning to God in prayer is not living in the word. Worry gets you out of the word. God will fulfill His word if we trust Him.

Seeking riches will get us out of following Christ. Yes we need money to live and provide for our family, but seeking riches beyond our needs will keep us from Christ.

1 Tim 6 says we should flee riches.
The lesson of the farmer that stored up crops in bigger barns is important. Luke 12:16-21

Matt 6:33 If we seek a life lived for God and faith lived for God God will provide. If we look after the things of God, God will look after us. The purpose of riches is to advance the kingdom of God. Deut 8:18.

We should store up riches in heaven instead of here where moth and rust corrupts. Riches on earth are elusive and deceiving.

Possessions are another thing the people in thorns seek. There seems to be happiness with acquiring things but there is always the next thing. There is never a sense of satisfaction. Going to the store to get the next thing. It depletes your cash, clutters your home, taking care of these things eat up your time.

Things will not satisfy. Relationships with other people of like mind and with Jesus is what satisfies.

People spend a lot of effort in acquiring things. The more you have the more you want. The more you have the more time you have to spend taking care of what you have.

Jesus is the one who gives abundance not things. Jesus gives us the inner peace we seek. Things will never meet that need.

The things we really need we can pray for and God will give us a plan to enable us to get them.

The deceitfulness of riches. Riches will give a satisfying life. Just as living in a wonderful area will turn sour without Christ. I can find happiness in the midst of an urban environment with nature. There are a lot of wild strips that I can visit and watch.

I say this to emphasize that enjoyment can be found in unlikely places.

What good is it if we gain the whole world and lose our soul? Jesus offers contentment not from abundance but from relationship. Matthew 11:28-30. Come to Jesus when we are weary and heavy laden and He will give us rest. Money will not buy true rest. To have riches is to always be vigilant. But with Christ we can truly rest. Because we can trust in Him
Romans 10:11
Heb 4:1-3
If you will not believe you will not last Isaiah 7:9
John 6:29 Our work is to believe

The sin of Baalm. He feared God but also desired riches. The desire for riches finally overcame his respect for God and he was destroyed.

Worries of the world. Things don't go right, and to worry about them keeps us from living a life directed by God according to the word.

If you want a solution for worry read Psalm 3 and Psalm 56

When things we rely on go bad, we can turn to Jesus for help and wisdom for the answer.

The desire for other things will dominate our mind so there is little energy for the things of God and His word. Paul says in Phil 3:13 This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind I press onward to what lies ahead. This is the attitude we should take. Living for Jesus and being content with what we have. Philippians 4:11

What we have and what we do should be for the betterment of our walk with God. Now I'm not saying we can't have fun. It is wise to be refreshed. But use it as a means to the end of serving Christ and not as the goal itself.

Worry will choke the fruit in your life not letting it mature. Give up the worry and work towards accomplishing what God has given you to do.

Take health and sickness for example. We all desire health. So when sickness comes what are we to do? 2 Cor 1:20
Give your worry to God and follow the teachings concerning healing.
1. Repent
2. Seek after God
3. Meditate on His Word John 15:7
4. Believe that the promise is for you.
5. Confess the promise is God's will for you and He will give you the promise.
6. Act according to the promise with rejoicing.

use 2 Cor 10:3-5 as a way to deal with doubt in the promises of God.

With this you can rejoice in mind, you can rejoice in God as you wait expectantly for His answer.

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