Let us not live Paycheck to Paycheck in
the Spirit.
Are we preparing for the future in our
faith or are we just going day to day? Ps 90:12; Heb 12:12,13
Build for future.
Without a vision the people perish.
Prov 29:18; Hosea 4:6
Encourage others God's coming through
for you. Isa 35:3,4; Job 4:4; Heb 10:25
When trials come to knock you out of
faith, your vision/faith gives the the anchor and strength to carry
on. Heb 6:19; Rom 5:5
Spend time with Jesus (in truth, not
just marking time) to solidify your faith. The more you spend with
Him the stronger your faith grows. John 15:1-8
All the great saints lived with
abandon. Eccl 9:10; Phil 3:7,12,13; Matt 13:44
Kingdom experienced by zeal. Don't live
nonchalant, live with zeal. Live in zeal from the Word of God. Isaiah
9:7; Isa 59:17
But some say, "I'm doing all I
Do it calling out to God. Do it holding
fast to the promise, help is on the way. Do it praying in tongues. Do
it crying out to Jesus.
Some say, "I don't pray in
tongues." The Holy Spirit is there for you. Receive Him or open
up to Him. He will baptize you. Acts 1:8; Acts 2:4
Don't Quit. God backs up His word for
those who believe Him. Ps 119:89; Ps 19:7-9; John 11:40
If you got pain, Jesus is a pain taker.
Isa 53:5
Do you have chains, Jesus is a chain
breaker. Ps 68:6; Ps 107:14
If you feel lost, Jesus is a way maker.
Prov 4:18; Ps 23:4
If you need freedom, Jesus is a prison
shaking Savior. John 8:36; Eph 3:12 (taken from Zachariah Williams)
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