Article on how Todd Baily came to the revelation that God is his source.
David Bostick wrote on this subject.
God is our source: article from Oral Roberts U.
Here is an outline on God is our source.
These God is our source articles could lead people astray if they only consider being rich as from God. God calls some to sickness for a time (the man at the pool of Bethesda and Job) and some to a life of poverty for a while (Job). Jesus asked Peter to die for Him. And Paul wrote Phil 4:19 from a jail cell. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all. Let us not look at our circumstances to decided if we are in God's will. Let us look to Jesus and follow Him wherever He leads us.
Because of the miss use of the teaching of sowing and reaping, many will not teach sowing and reaping. This is a shame because this is part of the life of faith. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! God wants us to walk by faith not by sight (circumstances). A life of faith is not easy, but it IS rewarding. It IS exciting. And it IS life in the Spirit. It is a life abandoned to service of God without thought to the lusts of the flesh.
Are we willing to deny ourselves, suffer and die for the sake of the gospel? Are we ready to endure persecution? Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and the problems of this world will pale compared to the rewards of following Jesus.
Let us endure the trials that come our way to receive the crown of righteousness that allows us to have victory over the trials. James 1:12. Our faith is built on going through the trails. Faith, it is true, comes from hearing the Bible, but when we truly hear, we will speak and obey. Trials prove our faith. And strengthen our faith.