Monday, January 12, 2009

What do I use to Buy from God?

Rev 3:18 Buy gold from God.

What do I have to offer God? What may I use to purchase gold, clothes and eye slave from Him?

My life consists of time, money people, and talents.
Keep in mind that even when I have an abundance my life does not consist of possessions. Luke 12:15
What do I have that God wants? God wants my heart. If He has that, He will have my attention, service, obedience, prayers. possessions, repentant heart and a life of following Jesus.

So the short answer of what currency I use to buy from God, is to give Him my heart. The currency of God's kingdom is love.

How do I give Jesus my heart in love? Salvation is the short answer. But salvation is not just a confession but a life. Eternal life starts at salvation. Life is more than birth. To live in this salvation is to live in the eternal life, which God has for me.

In buying from God I must learn not only ask God to meet my needs but also come to Him willingly to serve as He directs. As I come to Him, I will receive direction which brings faith to my spirit. Faith is the means by which I am able to please God. Faith comes from a relationship with Him. Faith alone is not enough. Faith united with love for God will be effective in God's kingdom.

I have struggled in obeying God's direction. It sometimes means I need to cut things out of my life to give room for what God wants me to do. If I have been purchased by God. (Jesus purchased me with His own blood. Acts 20:28) I am not my own. So to live in reality and not rebellion is to submit to God and do what He has prepared for me. I am coming to understand life in the spirit, is not as a duty, but a life lived in love to Jesus.

Part of my work is to believe. Part of my work is to love. Part of my work is to pray. Part of my work is to act in faith.
Live for the purpose of Jesus and not mine. Follow Jesus. Is it what He did or what He said and says? I think its all three. I am to follow the example of those who go before me, that produce a Godly outcome. I should follow Jesus both in what He has written and what He guides by the Holy Spirit. And His life style. I should consider it by the direction of the Holy Sprint.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Revelation 3:18

I have been meditating on Revelation 3:17,18

"Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,

I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see."

My meditation is accomplished by writing Bible studies.

I was working on this last year and was led to finish it.

There are 10 points to v. 18

#God advises us
#buy from God
#buy gold
#refined by fire
#become rich
#buy white garments
#clothe yourself
#cover shame of nakedness
#buy eye salve to anoint eyes
#eyes to see

#God advises us
If Jesus advises us to do something, it would make sense to follow that advice.
The Bible is God's advice to man. Study to show yourself approved. 1 Tim Listen to God and He will give you what is good to eat. Isa 55

I am looking into this verse because of the tendency of my life to mirror the aspect of being lukewarm. I don't want to be lukewarm, I desire to follow God fully. If that entails a complete life change than so be it. I desire to be a follower of Jesus and not just a also ran Christian that doesn't do anything but the expected.

I will put more of these on as I finish them.