It's not christian science, it's Christian sense.
-don't deny the existence of the mountain, deny the right for it to exist in your way. Live by faith not by sight. You see the mountain but when you get there it will be gone.
-Jesus said you can have what you say, and you say its getting worse or its still there. You will have what you say.
-Plant the seed. Prayer without faith won't work.
-Grace and peace are multiplied through the knowledge of the word. 2 Pt. 1:2
-2 Cor 4:13 faith speaks.
-2 Pt 1:3 God has given to us all things pertaining to life and godliness.
-If you say what God says until it gets into your spirit then you'll get it.
-James 1:21 the word of God grafted into your spirit will save you.
-2 Pt 1:4 we are partakers of the divine nature by the promises.
-The tongue can stop the course of nature.
-Everything can be tamed by the tongue.
-Man can't tame the tongue but we can speak by the spirit.
-Peter's tongue changed after Pentecost.
-Don't deny disease, deny the right of the disease to live in your body.
-We are free from the curse.
-I beg your pardon, the Word says you are healed.
-How you feel has nothing to do with God preforming His word.
-They prayed in faith, I know they prayed in faith and I believe God, I'm getting up in the name of Jesus. (While they don't feel any different)
If you have lack and you confess the word of God which says God supplies all your needs. Are you telling a lie or are you confessing the truth? God's word is truth.
There is a process of weeding out religious traditions from the truth.
And having done all to stand. Watch what you say and stand. Stand on the word and your confession.
-Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Watch your idle words.
-If you don't feel healed, go to the Word of God and get some feelings.
-Prov 4:22 God's word is healing to all our flesh. WOW
Romans 3:4 "that thou mayest be justified in thy sayings? When people would disbelieve what we say in faith!
-!-! Matt 10:32 If we confess God before men Jesus will confess us to the Father. And if we are confessed before the Father we will have the answer. 1 Jn 5:14,15
-When the dry winds of doubt come just proclaim more boldly what God has said to your spirit.
-Speak what God says and not what you think.
-Putting the tongue to our faith ignites it to power. The word of His power. Hebrews 1:3
-Acts 1:8 we receive power by Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit causes us to be witnesses of the word of God.
-We overcome the world by our faith. Faith works from obedience. And obedience starts with our confession.
-Proverbs 6:2 You are ensnared by the words of your mouth.
-God releases His faith in words. Heb 1:3; 11:3 Gen 1:. We are to imitate God Eph 5:1 so talk and act like God.
-We are doing the binding, and God stands behind what we say in faith. Matt 16:19 Mark 11:22-24
-Words are containers they carry faith or fear and they produce after their kind.
-Prov 4:20-22 Ps 107:20 God's word is medicine to all our flesh.
Your faith can't rise beyond your confession.