Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7 Barriers to Healing

Derrick Prince 7 Barriers to Healing

Monday, July 28, 2014

In all your Ways Acknowledge Him

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You never know where you will find a glory nugget when you are in the search. The following is simply a footnote in a commentary on Hebrews by William R. Newell (1868-1956)
Many years ago, in the Moody Institute, it fell to me to direct the afternoon and evening gathering of all the students. Together with my helpers, some eleven men, I made the celebration a missionary one. There was manifest blessing.
When all was over, at about ten at night, I said to the young men who had helped, “Let us go into my office and thank the Lord.” We went in and knelt to pray. It was in none of our minds to remain long, but just to thank the Lord ere we retired.
But it pleased God to take the meeting in charge. His Spirit filled us. In a few minutes we were on our faces praising God and weeping with joy. How His love melted and overwhelmed us! All sense of distance from God, yea, all sense of self, was gone. Only measureless joy in God, as we knew ourselves the objects of His intimate kindness and love, remained.
There we were until half past three in the morning! And when we dispersed, we were more refreshed, in body and spirit, than at the beginning. After the brethren left, I marked stain after stain of tears upon the floor, where men had wept with joy. Four men, if not five, became missionaries as a result of that night’s visitation.
God may not at all times overwhelm us, as on that occasion, with a sense of His blessedness and love. We walk by faith, not by sight (lit., appearance, vision, or experience). But at all times, under all circumstances, God is love, and believers are invited to come boldly to a throne, a throne of GRACE!