Stay in peace. Stay in the Word. Go about your work and shout victory.
Praying through to a breakthrough. Philippians 4:6-9; Luke 18:1-8; 1 Kings 17:41-46;
Pray with faith Matthew 17:20
Take risks from your prayers Heb 12:14 Holy living (living for the purpose of God) brings us to God. With God we have the victory.
Thankfulness brings us in union with the Spirit.
Phil 4:6
Elisha asking for music 2 Kings 3:15
David playing the harp 1 Sam. 16:23
Army with singers in front 2 Chronicles 20:21
Church people will (should) encourage you. Hebrews 10:25
Letting the Word richly dwell within you. Colossians 3:16; Romans 12:1,2; John 15:7; Josh 1:8; Ps 1:3
Meditate; follow & live it;
Let God's Word bring peace. John 16:33; Psalm 29:11; Ps 119:165; Isa. 26:3; John 14:27; Phil. 4:7;
Go with this peace Isaiah 55:12
Go about your work:
If your living the Word and have peace, go about your work.
Joshua marching all night. Joshua 10:9
Nehemiah building the wall. Neh. 4:15,16
Arise and shine for Christ. Your light has come. Isaiah 60:1
Shout Victory
Marching around Jericho Joshua 6
Crossing the Red Sea Ex 15
Psalm 91:2
Shouting grace Zech 4:7
Psalm 40:1-3
If you can't accomplish this break it down into smaller steps until you can do it.
Stay in peace. Stay in the Word. Go about your work and shout victory.