Sunday, December 21, 2008
Feed Yourself Spiritually
Let us not be foolish but learn what the will of God is. Eph 5:17
How to Feed Yourself Spiritually
AUTHOR: Rev J.A.McBean Sr
Badly written, but good ideas.
People must be more responsible for their own life.
Spiritual Maturity
Make a choice to learn God's word.
Make a choice to live by God's viewpoint.
Learn to walk in the Holy Spirit's control.
Make a choice to live in the promises of God.
The Cost of Discipleship
Count the Cost
Luke 14:28-33
Matt 16:25,26
Know the Cost
Phil 3:7-9
From Carnal to Christian
Colossians 3:9,10
2 Cor 5:17
1 Cor 2:14
Rom 8:7
Eph 2:3
Col 1:21,22
1 John 2:15,16
Disciple of Christ
Stewardship and repentance
We manage God's property (us) according to His will.
Test Your Heart
Constantly check your heart.
2 Cor 13:5
Take inventory of what gives you the highs and lows of your life.
This will give an indication of what your driving purpose of your life.
Rom 7:18 - 8:14 explain we can't change our heart without Christ.
Alan Hirsch’s book The Forgotten Ways
Here is one of my studies on a Plan for Devotional Bible Study.
Here is an article on Waiting on the Lord.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sowing and Reaping
Article on how Todd Baily came to the revelation that God is his source.
David Bostick wrote on this subject.
God is our source: article from Oral Roberts U.
Here is an outline on God is our source.
These God is our source articles could lead people astray if they only consider being rich as from God. God calls some to sickness for a time (the man at the pool of Bethesda and Job) and some to a life of poverty for a while (Job). Jesus asked Peter to die for Him. And Paul wrote Phil 4:19 from a jail cell. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all. Let us not look at our circumstances to decided if we are in God's will. Let us look to Jesus and follow Him wherever He leads us.
Because of the miss use of the teaching of sowing and reaping, many will not teach sowing and reaping. This is a shame because this is part of the life of faith. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! God wants us to walk by faith not by sight (circumstances). A life of faith is not easy, but it IS rewarding. It IS exciting. And it IS life in the Spirit. It is a life abandoned to service of God without thought to the lusts of the flesh.
Are we willing to deny ourselves, suffer and die for the sake of the gospel? Are we ready to endure persecution? Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and the problems of this world will pale compared to the rewards of following Jesus.
Let us endure the trials that come our way to receive the crown of righteousness that allows us to have victory over the trials. James 1:12. Our faith is built on going through the trails. Faith, it is true, comes from hearing the Bible, but when we truly hear, we will speak and obey. Trials prove our faith. And strengthen our faith.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Choice between the World and Jesus
James 4:4 Friendship with the world = hostility toward God.
We have to make a choice between Jesus and the world. If we die to ourselves and advancement, we are able to serve God. That is good. If we serve God and also advance in this world that is good also. But let us not compromise to advance. Let Jesus be the prize and not a better paying position.
James 1:27 Keep oneself unstained by the world.
To be in the world but not of the world. When I think of being stained I think of compromise.
Ephesians 2:2 Dead in sin according to the course of this world.
According to the prince; power of the air.
Spirit working in the sons of disobedience.
1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world.
v 16For all that is the world:
- lust of the flesh
- lust of the eyes
- boastful pride of life.
The things in the world are defined by v16.
Lust of the flesh - what we desire. Food, sex, liqueur and drugs and a good time.
Lust of the eyes. Women, material possessions, greed.
Boastful pride of life. Power, prestige, position.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world.
Let Jesus teach us through the Bible for how to live not the dictates of the world.
Matthew 13:22 Worry of the world.
Live for the purpose of Jesus and not to maintain a position in the world.
2 Corinthians 4:4 God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving.
When we choose the world over Jesus we are siding with Satan. If we love the world and what it has to offer over what Jesus is calling us to do we do not love God. 1 John 2:15
Galatians 6:14 Boast of the cross of Jesus to be crucified to the world.
The cross is rejecting what the world offers.
There is a freedom in serving Jesus and not trying to keep up with the status quo.
Lord Jesus let me keep my eye on you and not turn to the world for my fulfillment.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence
Matt 11:12
How do men use violence to attain the kingdom? Through many tribulations we will inherit the kingdom of God. It is by enduring trials correctly allows us to access the kingdom. And by enduring correctly these trials we gain the crown of righteousness.
I have thought and been taught that prayer is the violence. Yet James 1:12 shows that it is enduring trials. Looking unto Jesus in prayer in the midst of the trial. If we can see Jesus during trials and let His peace and love flow to us, we've got pay dirt.
The kingdom is not enjoyed with the wealth of the world. It is not physical or can be seen. It is relational.
Knowledge is not the basis of spiritual growth. It is relationships. Love is with relationships not knowledge. Knowledge is important but its not the foundation. Strength does not come from understanding. Strength comes from exercise. Both physical and spiritual.
Our relationship with Jesus fuels our relationship with others. The more we have of Jesus, the more we are able to reach out to others from the kingdom of God, instead of from our own strength!
Trials show us what is of our strength and what is from God. Trials teach us to rely on Jesus and not ourselves. John 16:33 Peace comes from Jesus in the trial as we rely on Him!
No peace, no Jesus, no kingdom of God.
In ages past some have accepted trials as the means of gain. The scripture says that we gain the kingdom through trials not in them. It is through the trial. We take the kingdom by force by going through the trial in obedience. And what is our obedience? It is to walk by prayer and faith, looking unto Jesus. Col 2:6
2Pt 1 talks of living according to the promises.It is by the promises that we gain the true nature. The promises don't talk about being sick or living in defeat. It is our use of the promises to live through the trial that allows us to have victory. Paul was content in Jail! Our circumstances don't dictate our spirituality.
Isa 52:1 awake and put on your strength
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Foundation of Peace
Spiritual growth comes from going through trials not learning.
In my churches prayer group there was a teaching idea that faith is based on peace. If there is peace there is a foundation for faith to be built. If there is no peace then turmoil is there and faith can't function or be built on turmoil.
So I went to James 3:13-18
"13 Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. 18 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
What we do is of faith, if it is of the spirit. Faith is based on our wisdom from God. If there is no peace we don't truly have God's wisdom.
It says in John 14:1 "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me."
When our heart is troubled we don't have peace. To counter a troubled heart we must move to belief. Belief will bring peace.
But how can you believe when you have a troubled heart? We have a troubled heart because we believe the evil or bad report! How do you change from believing the bad to believing in Jesus?
2 Cor 10:3-5
"3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,"
Here is explained an exercise that takes the bad report and rejects it by believing the Scripture. Jesus has given us bountiful promises in the Bible and when we hear Him Matt 4:4 we live spiritually by believing on these promises.
Belief is easy when life is given to us on easy street. Belief is built in the furnace of affliction. When we maintain our belief in the furnace of affliction we have faith.
James 1:2-4
"2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
When we are able to rejoice in the trial we are making a road for peace to come. When peace is there faith can operate. If there is struggling in the trial then there is no peace and faith can't be there. Faith is looking to God for the answer with confidence that He will keep His word to us (Matt 4:4)
We grow in faith by believing in Jesus in the midst of the trial. Believing in Jesus brings peace, and peace gives us the foundation to look to Jesus and wait on Him. We can't wait on Jesus in turmoil.
This turmoil should drive us to our knees in prayer about the problem until peace comes. Phil4:6-9 If peace does not come we should continue in prayer. Of course our classes we teach and the sermons we preach would have to be put on hold as we pray. Sometimes just stopping a little for a short prayer to move back into peace is all that is needed. This is why I believe there needs to be a multitude of leaders and not one. Nobody can be in front all the time. If someone leads spiritually and has a troubled heart he is rejecting John 14:1 Phil 4:6.
If you are living in denial and continuing as if nothing is wrong then you are ineffective. Why? Because spiritual truths are built on a foundation of peace. Peace comes from hope. Faith is based on the hope of the promises of what God has spoken. Matt 4:4
There is a problem with this teaching of peace! What if God asks us to do something that we don't want to do? We then would not have peace.
Would I be willing to follow God's direction when I don't have peace looking to Jesus to fulfill my needs but not considering my needs as important compared to obedience?
This article has the presupposition of the people being disciples.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Small Group Plan
Had a good ride on the Katy Trail. I rode my bike from Sedalia to Kirkwood. I rode Thursday thru Tuesday 242 miles
A good time of exercise, camping, Bible reading, praying and planning.
Monday I thought I would read James and I stopped along the Katy trail to get into the Word. As I opened my Bible to James my heart was not in reading it and I picked up a book by Smith Wigglesworth and started reading the next chapter. Guess what the next chapter was on. James 1
From reading that chapter and then going over the 1st chapter of James I came to see more clearly that spiritual growth does not come from learning but from going through trials.
2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,
3knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
4And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
We grow, (become perfect and complete) when we go through trials with all joy. We do not become complete when we understand doctrines. It is like my riding a bicycle. I can't ride my bicycle if I don't eat. But I don't get stronger by eating. I get strong by riding. It is the same in the Spirit. Studying the Bible is like eating. But we don't get strong by studying. We get strong by serving God through trials.
But how do I rejoice in trials? Love of Christ Jesus gives my heart new life which is able to serve through difficulties. This love is beat down by the trials of life.
This is why we are told to continue in Church.
Hebrews 10:23-25
23Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;
24and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
25not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Considering our Saturday night group. This is what is on my heart to do.
Make disciples and encourage them to continue on in the love of God with good deeds.
How is this done?
Small groups is where I am being led by God. And outreach is where small groups are generated. That is why I jumped at the chance for evangelistic outreach.
Here is my plan for small groups and discipleship and growth into more small groups.
There are 3 levels. Taken from Ephesians Sitting, Walking and Standing (A book on this from Watchman Nee)
Sitting (level 1) Taught on John and Ephesians 1-3
Walking (level 2) Taught on Ephesians 4,5
Standing (level 3) Taught on Ephesians 6
These 3 levels also are talked about in 1 John 2:1,12-14
Children - Free from sin,
Young Men - Overcome the evil one, Strong, Word of God abide in you
Fathers - Known God from the beginning (long time in the faith) have spiritual children.
Level 1 would be for new converts that would have a leader take them through Scriptures to establish them in the faith. John and Ephesians 1-3 would be the basis of the teaching but all the Bible could be used as the Spirit led in the teaching. 1/4 of a year or 13 weeks would be long enough. But this of course would be adjusted according to experience and the leading of the Spirit and peoples needs.
Level 2 would be the main meeting where all the people interested in small group discipleship would come to. It would be a time of testimony of what God is doing in their lives and prayer and encouragement to continue. It would be a time of discussion and prayer of how and where to serve God. Trials come from serving not from learning. And encouragement enables us to rejoice in serving. This level would be variable according to the personality of the people in the group. The basic ideas of encouragement and service would always be there. This level would be involved in evangelistic outreach. One of the requirements of going to level 3 is to have led another one to Jesus for salvation.
Level 3 Would be a small group for:
Spiritual war against opposition
Intercession for the needs of the people
Building faith by encouragement of the Scriptures
Leadership training
People in level 3 would go on to be leaders of levels 1 & 2 small groups by the leading of the Spirit.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Prayer is Heart Beat of Life
As blood is used to empower the body to act, so prayer is useful in preparing us for spiritual work.
Without blood we can't do anything. Without prayer we can't do anything. We can accomplish something after we pray, but nothing before we pray!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Bull Horn Guy Video
I did not say anything because I was new and did not want to criticize. But my thinking was here was a guy taking his own time and money to share the gospel and he is being criticized for it. The bull horn guy was putting his life on the line for Jesus, and Rob Bell was just sitting and doing nothing. It is better to do something wrong as far as sharing the gospel then to do nothing at all. Paul said that he would rejoice when the gospel is preached even when it was done with wrong motives. Phil 1:15-18
Some would say that he would drive them to hell. But people are already on the way to hell and the bull horn guy is trying to warn them of it. For the way is broad that leads to destruction and few will find the way of life. Matt 7:13,14
I want to share the gospel but have no ability in my spirit. This is my prayer to break through and share the gospel with the lost. My spirit is weak and flesh is unwilling. But I look to God to change me.
And here is the real video of Rob Bell against the Bull horn guy.
This is a spoof on the Bull Horn Guy by Rob Bell.
Todd Friel's "Bullhorn Guy" Response (Part 1)
Todd Friel's "Bullhorn Guy" Response (Part 2) has a great youtube on this as well. This is a very good defense of open air preaching. Here is the youtube response.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Hurry vs Prayer
Could it be that having problems should first bring us to prayer instead of action? Pray then act! Not, do all you can and when there is nothing else we can do, pray!
If we believe we will pray. When we pray then we believe more.
Prayer of course is, preparation. If there is no action after prayer then prayer is faithless and therefore is useless.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Running the Race of Faith
I found this video on youtube of: Lance Armstrong against Marco Pantani
Remember they are going up a mountain the whole way. (in the video)
Armstrong won the Tour de France that year. (2000) Pantini won it in 1998.
Armstrong went on to win the Tour de France again in 2001,2002,2003,2004 & 2005
Pantani died of a drug overdose in 2004.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
What we are to do Always
The 3 that come to mind easily are:
Pray without ceasing.
In everything give thanks.
Meditate on the Word day and night.
I have found 4 more that are also given this priority.
Always be abounding in the work of the Lord.
Set the Lord continually before me.
Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Always have my light shinning.
People have taught in the past that it is impossible to do these things. Inferring therefore that we should not even try. They might have not been trying to say that but that was the result that I came away with.
Well, I don't think God put something in the Bible to be ignored. But what am I to do with them, because there is no way I can keep them? I think God put these instructions in the Bible to teach us to always strive to live by these teachings. We will never attain to perfection but we are commanded to be perfect as God is perfect.
Do I throw my hands up and quit trying? No. What I am to do is use these instructions to guide me back to the path of walking in the Spirit and away from living from a fleshly outlook.
Take for instance praying without ceasing. How could I do a math problem and pray for the problems on the Gaza strip at the same time? I can't.
What I am finding though is that I can come closer to fulfilling this teaching at work. I work outside in a downtown environment. I see all kinds of people. The very poor to the very rich. The very beautiful to the very ugly. My thinking will be caught up in what I see by sometimes judging, lusting or contempt. I was asking the Lord about this and the idea came to me to pray for the people I see. Pray that the person will have wisdom, receive Jesus as their savior and that they will be a strong influence for Christ with their family and friends.
For the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6 I can't walk in the flesh and the Spirit at the same time. If I am praying for a very beautiful woman I am not lusting for her. I am not judging someone that seems rich but I pray they will bless others for the Kingdom of God.
Working for the City government also presents a problem to me. They do many things that I consider ridiculous. But the Bible says we are to let our speech be seasoned with salt to give grace to those who hear. If I am complaining about City policy I am not helping anyone. I need to be praying for the city and the workers I know. If I am praying for the government I am not criticizing.
We are to meditate on the word day and night. When I am guarding my thoughts to obey Christ and not my own desires I am using my knowledge of Scripture to counter worry. Strongholds are overthrown by the word of our testimony. God watches over those whose heart is completely His. What we think about is what is on our heart. What is on our heart is what we speak about.
When things happen that go against my desires, what will I do? Will I complain or will I guard my heart and speak the Scriptures according to the promise of the Bible? Will I pray with thanksgiving or will I or express despair? If I have set the Lord before me and live in Godly fear of Him I will respond according the Spirit.
What happens is I rely on God to live through me instead of trying to handle the situation myself.
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Call to Missions
Biblical reasons why the church can be activated into God's global purpose:
1. The Lamb is worthy of the reward of His glorious sacrifice.
Rev. 5:12. Col. 1:15 - 5 realities about Jesus
If Jesus the lamb is slain He is worthy of our efforts.
2. The Spirit is moving. Revival in Algeria - 100,000 underground believers in Iran and that is under the Sharia law. - 175,000 people come to Christ each day. 3,500 new churches planted every week (mostly small groups).
3. The lost are dying. Every day 66,000 die with no Gospel witness.
Why do we refrain from talking about a Christless eternity?
4. The poor are suffering. 37% of global population is children who live in poverty. Be moved with Godly compassion. Pity is not compassion. Will we become advacates for the poor?
5. The church is commissioned. Matthew 28:18-20. Go = as you are going make disciples of all peoples. Vital Christianity is not a spectator sport, it is an active thing.
6. If we don't become activated we die ourselves. Preservation mentality causes death to come. When we give ourselves, the Lord gives us more spiritual vitality.
7, The Father is waiting. God's most important attribute - patience. God wants for us to become activated.
4 practical ways to implement these things in our lives:
1. Extravagant giving - our use of money shows the most about our love of God. Are we pouring more into the temporal or eternal? Abraham covenant - We're blessed to bless others. 5.4% of all giving in the world of Christ's church goes to some kind of outreach in which the Gospel is already planted. 1% of the 4.5% or 0.045% actually goes to mission activities among unreached.
2. Extraordinary praying that perseveres and prevails. Sin of prayerlessness. Intercession is the most important of all ministries.
3. Surrendered going - long term ministry
4. Impassioned mobilizing - Every believer should be a mission mobilizer.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Devotions / In Christ
After I got past chapter 1 I started typing these notes. I may want to post these notes on my web page as a commentary. I think there is life from pondering the Scriptures.
I have struggled with what it means to be in Christ. I know its salvation but as I have pondered it I think that to be in Christ is to be walking in the Spirit. We are new creatures in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17) But we don't live like that if we are not aware of spiritual things. When problems arise do I act as I should in Christ, or do I respond as a person without Christ. The difference in my actions is based on whether I am aware of Christ and looking to Him when the problem comes.
Some may respond naturally but I don't. I need to be looking to Jesus in my life at the present or the problem will catch me unaware.
Luke 12:35 Speaks volumes to me. "Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit."
So being aware in Christ ties in to Bible memory and trusting Christ for the promises He has given to me. I quote the promise to counter the worry, and trust Christ in the midst of my efforts.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Psalm 44
I read this Psalm for devotions this morning and we went over it in house church.
Verses 1-3 talks about the history of Israel and how God came through for them in times of need.
Verses 4-8 talk about how God will come through for them in the future and shows some keys of what to do.
Verses 9-16 talks of the present.
17-21 talks of their faithfulness to God.
22-26 A prayer for help
Remember what God has done for you and others in the past. This will build hope. For God is faithful in the midst of trials. Jesus said that He gives peace in the midst of trials. If He took away the trail then there would be no need. Many times God meets our need to live in the midst of trials.
Verse 5 is key for me. It is through God that we will push back our adversaries. Through God means that we act according to the direction God specifically gives us to handle the situation. We do the pushing God gives the direction of how where and when to push. We provide the obedience and God provides the power.
Through Your name we will push back our adversaries.
When we do things under the command of Jesus we are doing them through the name of Jesus. So when we trample over our enemies we are walking in faith according to the leading of our Lord. We are acting in the name of Jesus.
Romans 16:19,20 is a great promise of deliverance. We walk and Jesus the God of peace crushes Satan under our feet. It is a walk of faith that wins the victory.
In verse 8 speaks to me about what I need to be doing.
“In God we have boasted all day long. And we will give thanks to Your name forever.
Boast in what God will do as verses 4-7 show. God will do great things on our behalf. It is imperative that we hear what He is telling us to do. Then we can boast of what He will do.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Forgiveness Repentance and Confessing
Are we of the truth if we plan on sinning and then confessing later?
IE does confessing count if our attitude does not line up with our confessing?
Man looks at the outward appearance. God looks at the heart. God looks at what we say and our heart at the same time. We are not going to fool God.
If our heart and our words don't line up we are only fooling ourselves not God.
Then what are we to do? We know something is wrong. We want to stop sinning intellectually but emotionally we don't want to stop sinning.
How do we change our emotions to line up with our understanding?
Two answers that have come to me:
1. Do works in keeping with repentance. Make right what you have done wrong.
John the Baptist discusses this in Matthew 3:8 and Luke 3:8. The works are related to the sin. Zachaeus the Tax collector gave an example of repentance and works by saying to Jesus that he would repay those he defrauded by 4 times the amount.
2. Put your treasure where you want your emotion and heart to go.
The parable of the Kingdom of God and the man finding a treasure in a field. He then rehides the treasure and sells all that he has and buys the field. If we make the opposite of sin our treasure than sinning will become abhorrent to us. Instead of making sin our treasure make Jesus our treasure. It is Jesus that gives life. We learn from experience sin does not satisfy in the long run. Sin is destructive. God is not a God who delights in our suffering. He told us sin is sin, because it will destroy our life.
Acts 26:20 is another verse that refers to this issue. It is within the conscience of humanity that a person should repay the wrongs that he has done.
Some would suggest what I have said is teaching salvation by works. I believe that there is a difference in putting our faith in our own efforts and doing works to show our true repentance.
It is not that we have to work for forgiveness;. Its that our words alone don't change our heart. When we act we are solidifying our decision to change our ways.
What is repentance? It is changing direction. So if we don't go in a different direction after we confess our sins we have not repented.
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Salvation is 2 fold.
1. We are saved from sin and enter the kingdom of God at one point of prayer.
2. We are saved from a life of sin and live for Jesus as a growth process.
Lets work to live a life unto God and not for ourselves.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Notes from Don't Pray Without Passion
Deep calls to deep. Ps 42:7
Know the mind of God not formulas.
Pray as you hear God's thoughts. Satan is our enemy (John 10:10, 1Pt 5:6-8) but we can head-off tragedy by strategic prayer.
Yield your mind to God's purpose for His will in prayer and action.
Search for the Father's will and follow that John 5:19
We can't anticipate God's thoughts, except by revelation. Isa 55:8,9
Pray God's heart and His will and we will have assurance of an answer 1John 5:14,15
Thy kingdom come, not my kingdom come. Pray to see the kingdom of God increase.
Matt 6:33 Does God answer our needs if we pray or not if we seek the kingdom first? No, we are to pray for our daily bread!
Our seeking first signifies that other needs are second, but not ignored.
What is the Kingdom of God?
1. We lay up treasure there.
2. It is the Father's business Lk 2:49
3. What I am responsible for 2Cor10:13
4. It is the weakness of your brother in Christ.
5. It is what you hear in the spirit.
6. It is praying God's will not our will.
Call forth what God is calling forth.
Rom 4:17 so call forth open doors and opportunities God gives the nations as we ask for them Ps 2:8 We are told to ask, seek and find Luke 11:9,10
How do we grow spiritually?
1. Consecrated, committed and regular prayer.
2. The light of revelation feeds your spirit.Eph 1:17
3. Giving to others
Cry out to God the way Mary did in Luke 1:38 Let it be done to me according to Your Word.!
Prophecy can cause spiritual growth
Resistance - means promotion and increase are coming.
Our weapons are prayer and spiritual authority.
Isa 54:17 No weapon formed against you will prosper. But we need to know what is coming against us.
Our armour is useless if we don't know how to use it.
Praying in the spirit is part of the armour. (mine we have the mind of Christ as we pray in the spirit to know how to use the armour)
Counter plan any plan,the enemy has devised.
Run not without aim, fight not as beating the air. 1Cor9:26
Pray in preparation against the spirits that would hinder a meeting or ministry. Better results come when people are expecting and ready to receive from God.
Don't harden your heart against the Lord Heb 4
the Lord speaks through the fruitful vine. You are fruitful when you have paid the price to know God. What keeps us from knowing God is self satisfaction and distractions.
God's voice is quiet
2 Have an attitude of expectation
3 God gives simple answers to specific requests.
God speaks to the heart not the brain
God speaks specificly
Record the directions each day from the Lord
How does God speak to us?
Thoughts and impressions
Hearing a word in your spirit
Pictures and visions
Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom
Growth comes from hearing.
[Matt 4:4 Man will live by bread in the physical and God's word in the spiritual. If we don't hear we aren't living.
In the physical if we aren't functioning correctly we stop eat and go to the doctor if needed. It should be the same in the spirit. If we are not hearing from God we need to stop and get it corrected.
Prayer is the vital link of Christian life. Bible study is so we can relate to God and man correctly. Prayer is to empower our relating.]
(end mine)
Don't give place to the devil.___
Pray for strength in your weak areas. "For the ruler of this world is coming and he has no place in me. John 14:30
Worry will give place to the devil, so all worry should be prayed over.
Notes on Thankfulness
Decentralizes self.
Develops humility.
Preserves mental health.
Brings release to your inner man.
- Is like medicine - it edifies the soul. .
Means a thankful heart, which is a healthy heart.
7. Enables you to focus on Kingdom motives.
. Helps you maintain reverence (keeps the things of the Spirit from becoming common).
. Helps you become 'airborne' rising above obstacles. Goes a long way - all the way to the Throne.
Thankfulness and expectation are the keys that unlock the warehouse of heaven and open the way for God to speak to •s. When God talks, awesome things always occur. Live with expectation. Pray with expectation. Listen with expectation.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Summery of First John
Read God's Word to know Him and to live according to what it says. We can't say we have no sin. We should confess our sins and walk in the light. If we sin, Jesus is our advocate. If we love God we will do His will. Walk as Jesus walked and love your brother. Do not consider the fleeting things of the world as being important. God's love leads us to live a righteous life in expectation of Christ's return. Allow the anointing of the Word to lead you in how to love others. Jesus is the answer for our sin. He frees us to love one another. We have assurance that we are from God and as we obey, God answers our prayers. Overcome because Jesus is within us. Those from God confess that Jesus came in the flesh and listen to the Bible. God is love. As we know God we love others. We move into love by confessing; this allows us to abide in Him. The obedience of faith that believes in Jesus brings victory.
If you want to see the whole outline click on this link.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
De Shazer by Hoyt Watson
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Because of the assurance that salvation brings, let the purposes of God be your purposes letting His love flow to others. Therefore reject the worlds ways and accept God's ways, living blameless before the world and proclaim God's excellences.
Submit to those in authority for Christ submitted unto death and we are called to follow in His steps. As we are to obey authority, wives are to obey their husbands. Husbands; treat your wives with understanding. Submit to authority and do good, not fearing but ready to share your hope in Christ knowing His outcome.
Choose to serve even if it brings suffering, be involved in your ministry. Suffering comes to test you, but His glory rests on you, rejoice and glorify God. Suffer according to God's will, entrust your soul to the creator. Because our brothers are willingly suffering for Christ, serve them with gentleness. Be humble, resist Satan in faith and God will complete you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Who Jesus is in the Gospel of John
Monday, January 21, 2008
Boldness in Christ
1 Thessalonians 2:2
but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition.
Boldness comes from the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 4:31
And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.
Boldness comes from hope.
Ministry of righteousness brings the hope of the gospel and this brings boldness.
2 Corinthians 3:12 (v7-12)
Therefore having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech,
Our boldness comes from Christ.
Ephesians 3:12
in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.
Pray for boldness.
Ephesians 6:19
and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,
Saints prayers and the provision of the Spirit of Christ.
according to the earnest expectation and hope
1. not put to shame
2. Christ be exalted in his body by life or death with ALL boldness.
Philippians 1:20
according to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Prayer Network
It was on prayer to start churches. It was not just a little prayer or a lot of prayer, but a commitment to a life of prayer.
This is not a coincidence. I was reflecting on Colossians 4:2 today. Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.
So God is speaking to me about prayer.
Jesus, you are my source. My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. Help me God to devote myself to prayer.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Knowing God's Will
The book is called "Change the World School of Prayer" Edited and written by Dick Eastman. Also some of the ideas I have written here come from things I have learned.
1 John 5:14 answers come from praying according to God's will
We don't ask God to do our will we ask God to do His will.
Matthew 6:10
Prayer is talking life over with God and carrying out His orders.
The 3 lights should line up to be safely in God's will.
1. The Word of God shows His will.
2. The will of God is made known through circumstances.
If there is a way provided and you were seeking God on the issue it may be an answer from God.
3. The voice of the Holy Spirit.
A forth area is leadership.
4. Is leadership directing you a certain way?
God's will should be founded on a heart to follow after Him.
God's kingdom is within us Luke 17:21
So a lot of what we hear from God will come from within.
Holy Spirit will direct our prayers with inner promptings.
God's word is the foundation of all guidance.
God's peace comes with His direction.
Some exceptions:
1. If we are not willing to do His will. God's will won't bring peace if we are set on doing our will instead of God's. Bring your heart to a place of openness to do whatever God is asking you to do.
2. Paul shared the gospel with fear and trembling.
1 Cor. 2:3
Phil. 2:12 Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
3. Some instructions are urgent. Elisha and the arrows.
God will accomplish things through us as we are full of zeal from the Holy Spirit.
Peace comes if we have accepted the tree/cross as part of our life. Ex 15:25
The tree referred to in Ex. 15:25 is referring to the cross of Christ. Jesus died on a wooden cross. And it is referred to as a tree. 1 Pt. 2:24 The waters were bitter and God directed Moses to throw a tree into the waters and they became sweet. God's word will become sweet to us as we accept the yoke of Christ referred to in Matthew 11:28-30
God guides the humble, meek Psalm 25:9
Resist Satan flee from Him draw neigh to God
We can easily fall into the trap of accepting our own desires for the will of God. To counter this we should first be submitted to God. If love for God and others is put first then mistaking our own desires for the voice of God is less of a problem.
6 steps of George Muller
A. Get your heart to a place that you have no will in the matter.
B. Do not leave the result to a feeling or simple impression.
C. Seek the will of the Spirit in connection with the Word of God.
D. Providential circumstances.
E. Ask God in prayer to reveal His will aright.
F. Focus through prayer study of the word and reflection. I come to the will of God to the best of my ability.
Here is a good contrast between's God's voice and Satan's voice.
I got this list from Roberts Liardon's Facebook.
God's Voice Satan's Voice
Stills you Rushes you
Leads you Pushes you
Reassures you Frightens you
Enlightens you Confuses you
Encourages you Discourages you
Comforts you Worries you
Calms you Obsesses you
Convicts you Condemns you
Here is a link to Andrew Wommack's article on God's will.
To hear God means that we should act.
When we act according to what we think the will of God is, we will hear a voice behind us directing us to turn to the right or the left. Isa. 30:21
Many promises of God come with conditions. Meet the conditions and God will fulfill the promise. Our faith will be exercised as we wait patiently for God to fulfill what He promised.
Guidance is not knowing the future. But we will know some things that will happen.
Guidance is not always pleasant because His ways are not like our ways. Many times they are the opposite. Isaiah 55:8,9
Dangers to watch for:
Not all inner voices are from God.
Satan and yourself also are involved.
God does not always use spectacular means.
Fleeces are not the best way. They could signify a lack of trust in God's guidance.
Don't treat voices and visions above the Word of God.
O Lord, let Your will be done in my life as it is in heaven. Speak to me letting me know when I get off Your path. Lead me to the rock that is higher. For with you is the power, with You is the glory, and with you comes the peace of abundance of a full life lived in you. You must increase, but I must decrease. Thank you Jesus for your guidance.