Monday, May 12, 2008

Devotions / In Christ

For devotions I have been going through 2 Timothy. At present I am at 2:2. I find this good because I am not in a hurry to finish the book. What I try to do is look at each phrase to and run cross references on them. I also meditate on the passage and sometimes ideas come to me. Sometimes I remember other passages that shed light on the one I am meditating on.

After I got past chapter 1 I started typing these notes. I may want to post these notes on my web page as a commentary. I think there is life from pondering the Scriptures.

I have struggled with what it means to be in Christ. I know its salvation but as I have pondered it I think that to be in Christ is to be walking in the Spirit. We are new creatures in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17) But we don't live like that if we are not aware of spiritual things. When problems arise do I act as I should in Christ, or do I respond as a person without Christ. The difference in my actions is based on whether I am aware of Christ and looking to Him when the problem comes.

Some may respond naturally but I don't. I need to be looking to Jesus in my life at the present or the problem will catch me unaware.

Luke 12:35 Speaks volumes to me. "Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit."

So being aware in Christ ties in to Bible memory and trusting Christ for the promises He has given to me. I quote the promise to counter the worry, and trust Christ in the midst of my efforts.


  1. That's it! We need to know the Scriptures because the Holy Spirit will then apply those things from God's Word which we have learnt at the appropriate time(s). The more we familiarise ourselves in God's Word (and if we are also willing to obey) - the better dressed in readiness for all situations we will be. Practicing those things which we learn by surrendering to the Holy Spirit as He reminds us of them keeps our lamps burning.

  2. Thanks,

    I look at the Bible as God's personal letter to me. And read it as such.
