2 Corinthians 10:3-5
"For though we walk in the flesh,we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh,
but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God,
and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."
Destroying fortresses by:
No speculation about what will happen.
All thoughts are captive to Jesus.
Reject what the world says against God.
We are not our own and our thoughts are not our own either. If I am going to war in the spirit I need to watch what I think and say at all times.
When there comes a desire to complain, I must reject that complaint and speak what Christ has me to speak not what I want to speak.
I have no right to speculate on what will happen especially according to my experience or others. I am to hold fast to the promise of God. If I confess the promise of God instead of my experience or others, there is the hope of fruit in the spirit.
When the world laughs at me when I hope in Christ I am to not pay attention to the world but pay attention to the Word of God.
My purpose is not to go along to get along, but to live by faith in Christ Jesus.
I am not to walk the road of least resistance but on the highway of holiness.
I just got done writing a blog, frustrated with life. I usually don't read other read other people's blogs, but you were the first one I clicked on. Thank you for blogging about Obedience. I really needed to see your blog, and it was all perfect timing. Again, just wanted to thank you and let you know you gave me encouragement!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'm distributing this short explanation to group members in a small group that I am facilitating. Very good. Chet
ReplyDeleteI am encouraged when others get something out of my posts. Thanks beaulynds and Anonymous
ReplyDeleteI have just been released from the hospital and during my stay God impressed upon me to take every thought captive. I got this picture of fireflies in the field in July. In West Virginia, where I live, the fireflies are as thick as applebutter spread on homemade bread. God told me to imagine "capturing" all of those in one of the mason jars we used when I was a kid. I told Him that even if I had hours to do it and a hundred mason jars I could never capture them all. He said, "That's right. You need me." And then I imagined what God could do and before I knew it the fireflies were all swimming through the air like the syncronized swimmers in the Olympic Games. We can only take every thought captive by turning all of our lives over to God...beginning with our minds. Love the Lord your God with all your....mind. Thanks for your thoughts :)