Whether we are weak or strong we need to pray.
We need to pray until peace comes. Phil 4:6-9
We need to pray till the answer comes Luke 18:1f
We need to pray till Jesus comes. John 6:21 - The answer to our life
is Jesus being with us.
We need to pray till the Holy Spirit comes. Acts 1:8
We need to pray Luke 6:29 - We are only being religious if what we do
is not based on belief in Jesus.
Prayer is the expression of reliance on God and not our self.
To ignore prayer is to ignore God.
We need to pray till the rain of the Spirit comes - Elijah
We need to pray till the light comes to see in the spirit. Elisha and
the armies surrounding him.
We need to pray for the right attitude. Phil 2:5
Believing prayer is the life blood of the Spirit.
God is a creator and He wants us to be creators by His direction.
Romans 4:17,18 God calls into being that which does not exist.
Abraham praying for a son.
Christ backs up our believing prayers in heaven. Heb 3:1
Believing prayer must have action. - Moses before the Red sea and the
hordes of the Egyptians coming from behind. Ex 14:15 "Then the LORD
said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel
to go forward."
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