Jesus Habit of Prayer and Prayers
Luke 6:12 Prayed all night
Matthew 14:23 Sent crowds away, went alone to mountain to pray.
Luke 5:16 Jesus would often slip away to the wilderness to pray.
Luke 9:18 While He was praying alone
Luke 9:28 went to the mountain to pray with the 3
Luke 9:29 while He was praying His appearance became different.
Mark 1:35 Early morning while it was still dark He got up and left the house and prayed in a secluded place.
Luke 3:21 While He was prayi8ng heaven opened.
Mark 6:46 After bidding them farewell He left for the mountain to pray.
Luke 22:41-44 wrestle in prayer before the cross. Garden of Gethsemane
John 17 all High Priestly prayer
Luke 4:1,2 40 days in the wilderness
John 11:41,42 prayed before raising Lazarus from the dead
Luke 22:31,32 described prayer for Peter.
Matthew 6:9-13 Lord's prayer outline
John 12:27,28 A pre garden of Gethsemane prayer
Luke 23:34 forgiveness prayer from the cross
Mark 15:34 A prayer of desperation from the cross
Luke 23:46 A finality prayer from the cross
Luke 11:1 Jesus prayer in in a certain place
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