Romans 8:6-15
Romans 8:6-11
We set our minds on the things of the Spirit to have life. Christians have the Spirit in them which was given at salvation. Eph 1:13 As we follow the leading of the Spirit and not the desires of the flesh we have spiritual life.
Romans 8:12-14
To live by the Spirit is to make no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:14) and to put to death the deeds, desires, wants, wishes of the flesh.
“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14
verse 15 is the first step of this life of the Spirit. God is our Father and we can call Him Abba, Daddy.
The Lord's prayer starts out with, “Our Father which art in heaven. Prayer to God is the beginning the middle and the end of spiritual life. Life flows from this interaction. We can't deny our flesh if there is nothing to replace it with. Now people do deny it in action but not in thought. Sometimes people can deny both action and thought and not live in the Spirit but they are not happy. Joy comes from the flow of the Spirit. And they are unfruitful because life flows from the Spirit not ideas or rules.
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