A seed planted in the soil needs watering. And a seed planted in the soil of our heart needs watering also. The word of God gives us faith if we accept it and believe what God has said to us. Psalm 119 gives us ways of watering the word in our heart.
A seed without water will die. So the spiritual seed of God's word in our heart will die if it is not watered. These are some ways I have gleaned from Psalm 119 that we can water the seeds of faith in our heart.
Seeds and small plants in the ground will die if weeds or competing plants use up the soil, nutrients and water that are available to it. So also, the seeds of faith and the small amount of faith that is starting to grow in our heart will die if the weeds of worry are not rooted out by our focusing on the promises in the word of God to counter the unbelief of worry.
Psalm 119:1 Walk in the law.
Psalm 119:2 Observe His testimonies
Psalm 119:2 Seek Him with all your heart
Psalm 119:4 Keep word diligently
Psalm 119:6 Look upon your commands
Psalm 119:7 Learn righteous judgments.
Psalm 119:11 Treasure word in heart.
Psalm 119:13 Told of your ordinances.
Psalm 119:14 Rejoiced in the way of your testimonies
Psalm 119:15 Meditate on your precepts
Psalm 119:15 Regard Your ways
Psalm 119:16 Delight in your statutes
Psalm 119:16 Not forget your word.
Psalm 119:18 Behold wonderful things from Your Law
Psalm 119:20 Longing after ordinances
Psalm 119:30 Chosen the faithful way
Psalm 119:30 Placed ordinances before me.
Psalm 119:31 Cling to God's testimonies.
Psalm 119:32 Run the way of your commands.
Psalm 119:42 Trust in your Word.
Psalm 119:43 Wait for your ordinances
Psalm 119:45 Seek Your precepts.
Psalm 119:48 Lift up my hands to Your commands.
Psalm 119:51 I don't turn aside from your law
Psalm 119:54 Statutes are my songs.
Psalm 119:59 Turned my feet to Your testimonies
Psalm 119:87 I did not forsake your precepts
Psalm 119:95 Consider Your testimonies
Psalm 119:97 Love Your law.
Psalm 119:103 Your words are sweet to my taste.
Psalm 119:111. Your words are a joy to my heart
Psalm 119:112 Inclined my heart to preform your statutes.
Psalm 119:120 I am afraid of your judgments.
Psalm 119:128 I esteem right all your precepts.
Psalm 119:148 My eyes anticipate the night watches that I my meditate on your word.
Psalm 119:161 My heart stands in awe of your words.
Psalm 119:162 I rejoiced at your word.
Of all these methods, Psalm 119:148 is the most outstanding. I enjoy sleeping after a hard day of work and exercise. If my eyes are anticipating the night so that I can meditate instead of sleep, then I will be consumed with God's word. A life of faith needs the word and water to maintain trust in the Lord. This will counter the many obstacles the enemy will throw our way as we walk in the faith. Without our desire to counter the obstacles that come our way faith will die. Faith is maintained as we fight, but if left to grow naturally, faith dies. So in the middle of the fight I desperately need to be encouraged. These verses of Psalm 119 show ways to encourage ourselves like David did of old. 1 Samuel 30:6