Before life there must be death.
Soil is composed of decayed plant material. This material is full of the nutrients plants need for growth.
We are new people in Christ. 2 Cor 5:17 This new life comes after we die to our old life. Christian baptism shows this concept. Baptism represents the burial of the old man and coming up out of the water represents the new man resurrected with power in Christ.
We are not able to serve God effectively if we have one foot in the world and another foot in God's kingdom. We need to make a break from the world and go for God 100%.
Jesus goes so far and says if we are a friend of the world we are hostile towards God. James 4:4; 1 John 2:15
A seed dies before it gives life.
We die before we give life.
Choosing death to our old life gives fertilizer and vitality to our new life. If we hold back from giving up our old life then there is no power in serving God in our new life.
Repentance is turning from the old way of life and deciding to follow Jesus in living a new life in Him.
Let us not shrink back from turning from our sin and living a victorious life. Heb. 10:39
2 Cor 1:9 Death to ourselves gives us the ability to trust God.
The kingdom of God has this idea presented in parables of The Field with a hidden treasure Matt 13:44 and The Pearl of Great Price. Matt. 13:45 We sell all to get these.
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