Jesus Lives. We celebrate the resurrection each year and go to church to worship Jesus and live for Him. That is half of the equation. The other half is to do what we say. That is to live for Jesus.
How do we live for Him? He wrote us a letter explaining life and purpose to live for God. In this letter this Bible we have many directions and promises that God said He would do. To live for Him is to start by folowing the directions of the Bible. As we grow in Him we will pray and get more spacific direction. This direction will not go against the Bible but will show us more spacificly the things we are to do.
Live for Jesus. This is not so easy in a world that is full of material temtations. Yet it is easy as we draw close to Him in prayer for strength and direction.
John 6:21 one of the basic verses in the bible for me. When Jesus gets in our boat of life we are at the destination God has for us. The point is not so much prep but is relationship. Relationship with God and relationship with others. The prep will come. Our life with Jesus in our boat of life will cause us to read and study the Bible to learn more about and from Jesus.
Verses of the Bible are much deeper than appear on the surface. Pick a verse or a few to meditate on. Don't be afraid of this word meditate. Use the word ponder instead. Ponder the meaning of a passage of Scripture. As we learn from Jesus the ideas of the verse will become real in our life and we will teach, share and live this idea.
The power of the resurrection will change us as we take the words of Jesus as meaningful and not just religious and nice.
To believe is to live. Let us apply our heart to believe and live. Within ourselves we are nothing. With Jesus we are spiritual and the Spirit of God will give life to us.
Praise God for His resurrection. Praise You Jesus. You are Lord and You are Powerful. You come to the lowly of heart and meet us here on this dirty Earth. Give us Your life. Give us Your direction. Thank you Jesus.
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