Joseph had an angel appear to him in a dream and explained to Him what was going on. Matthew 1:18-25
The declaration and prophecy of Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-45
The statement by Mary to the angel of her willingness to do this and the power of God in her life. Luke 1:38 "And Mary said,'Behold the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.' and the angel departed from her."
The statement of faith of Mary Luke 1:46-55.
Angels announce Jesus' birth to the shepherds. Luke 2:8-14
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus ministry. Mark 1:1-8
His father prophecies of the work of John the Baptist. Luke 1:67-79
Maji/wise men, men with knowledge in astronomy, astrology, and natural science.
Thompson # 3847
Gen 41:;8
Ester 1:13
Daniel 2:13,48; Dan 4:9
Matthew 2:1
Dake notes - How many there were and where they were from is unknown. They were a caste of priests, involved in prophecy, interpreting omens and using divination.
God prepared a star for them to follow. They also were warned by an angel not to tell Herod where Jesus was. Matthew 2:1-12
Jesus and Mary and Joseph received gifts from the Maji which they used to fund their trip to Egypt. Matthew 2:11
An angel told Joseph to get out of Israel and go to Egypt and return when it was safe. Matthew 2;13-15 Hosea 11:1
When in Egypt Joseph was told to return to Israel and go to Galilee. Matthew 2:19-23
Then there is the weight of prophecy of the coming Messiah. These prophecies were the force that brought Christ to earth. If not force then the assurance of the will of God in the matter. Isaiah 53;61 etc.
So though Jesus was vulnerable He was well cared for by God. Angels, prophecy, worship of small and great. And money to conduct business.
It would not dim the power in heaven for God to provide us with direction and help in our life as well.
Let us look to God for what He is calling us to do. The power and care that was there for Jesus is for us as well Ephesians 1:18,19; Eph 3:20
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