John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came
that they may have life and have it abundantly."!!!!
David and his men lose their families while fighting and return to see
their town burned and their families captured.
All of them are devastated and morn their loss. Then their anger turns
on David and he is blamed. David turns to God for help as the people
talk of killing him. David not only has lost his family, city and the
respect of his men. Now his own life is in danger. His life is at rock
But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Don't even think about giving up.
When you are on God's side you are more than a conquer. Nothing can
stop the power of God. Nothing can stop His love.
Then David asks if he should pursue the band? God said, "you will
overtake them and rescue all."
David goes after the band with his 600 men. 200 are too tired to continue
on to the fight. So 400 move into the attack. Remember they had been
marching to battle allied with the Philistines and then retreated back
to Ziglag, when they weren't trusted. Then they turn around and march
the other way.
By chance, but I don't believe in chance, God lets them find an Egyptian
wondering in the desert without food or water. They feed him and when
his strength returns attacked Ziglag. He agrees to lead David to the band.
David and his men find them spread all over the land in a wild party.
The attack is at twilight and the battle rages for 24 hours. All were
slaughtered but 400 that got away on camels.
God wants us to take back what we have lost to Satan. There is no power
that will stop us as we are led by God. The gates of hell can't prevail
against Godly people attacking. We can go into hell holes on earth and
take back what has been stolen.
God's ways are different now then they were in the Old Testament. But
battles rage none the less. We may conquer when we cooperate with the
Spirit of God. using His weapons.
Eph 6 weapons
Helmet of salvation - We have the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit will
remind us whatever Christ has spoken to us. Be renewed in the spirit of
your mind. The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. Let your mind
dwell on what is good. Meditate on the Word day nd night.
Girdle of truth. Jesus is the way the turth and the life. Jesus wrote the
Bible. The Bible is God's word. The Bible is anointed by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.
Breastplate of righteousness. We are saved, not on the basis of our
works, but the work of Christ on the Cross. We stand not on what we do,
but rely on the blood of Jesus.
Shield of Faith - We act according to Jesus has spoken to us. We accept
not the present circumstances but what God has promised.
Sword of the Spirit - Use the Bible as directed by the Holy Spirit.
Shoes - We are prepared to share the gospel as we are led by the Holy Spirit.
We pray - There is real power in prayer.
2 Cor 10:3-5 weapons
We don't fight just in a nice church building but to bring victory where:
lost souls
are ruling and destroying lives.
There are 4 points to spiritual vitality
light - truth, the Bible correct doctrines
love - action and care for the unlovable. Not ignoring the problem but
doing something to solve it.
prayer - communion with God both talking and listening
praise - having an attitude of thankfulness no matter what is happening.
attitude of looking at the promise and not the circumstance.
This video on youtube is a great illustration of fighting back.
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