“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.”
Life in the Spirit: The law of the Spirit sets us free from the law of sin and of death. Further passages in Romans 8 show that where we put our mind takes us either to life in the Spirit or to sin and death.
2 Corinthians 3:17 “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” Galatians 5:13 “you were called to freedom.” Before, there was a struggle, but when the Spirit is introduced or utilized, there is no conflict. Romans 7 talks of the war within. As we live in the law of the Spirit, we are free.
Jesus says in John 6 that we need to eat His flesh and drink His blood to have life. He said this to the Pharisees to get them to stumble over His words. Jesus explains later, in verse 63, that the words He speaks are his flesh. We have life by meditating, pondering, considering and then doing the words of Jesus.
John 1:14 states “the word was made flesh and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.” Jesus is the word (John 1:1) and he came to earth born of a virgin. When He was of age, He started His ministry.
John 5:24 When we believe what Jesus says, we are eating the words of Jesus. We are taking them into our life and letting them be part of us.
The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is how the Holy Spirit acts. The Holy Spirit is the giver of life. John. 6:63
A law is a regulation that happens every time. It is not something will happen at times and at other times it won't happen. The law of gravity works all the time. A law will work unless another law will supersede it. The law of aerodynamics will supersede the law of gravity. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus will supersede the law of sin and of death!
When we set our mind on the things above, we are operating in this law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. What are the things of the Spirit? It is the words of God. (John 6:63) The things of the Spirit is doing what the Word of God says to do. God's words to us are spirit and life. Putting our mind on these words brings life to our spirit. Putting our mind on the things of the Spirit brings life when we believe them and act on them.
What is the law of sin and of death? Taking the above definition and flipping it causes me to believe that if we set our mind on things contrary to God, we are trapped in sin. So, the battle of living in the spirit or the flesh is in our mind. Our mind is where our soul is. The decision of how to live is in our soul or our mind. Our spirit is reborn at salvation. This energizing force within gives us the desire to live for God. Deciding to reject the old way and live in the Spirit of God comes from putting our mind on the things of the Spirit of God.
Romans 7:14,23 talk of this trap of the law of sin. The law of the Spirit will supersede the law of sin and death when we use it. As we renew our mind, (Romans 12:1,2) we don't consider the temptation of Satan, but look to the promise of victory in Christ. Consider the law of gravity. It works every time. But when the law of aerodynamics is used, the law of gravity no longer works. We can fly in the Spirit above the law of sin and death. When we let up and coast, the law of sin and death comes back into play. When we put our mind on the things of the Spirit, the law of sin and death stops working. The next few verses on Romans 8 explain how to use the law of the Spirit.
8 Laws in Romans From Dake Bible notes
Law of Moses Rom 2:12; 3:19; 7:12
Law of nature Rom 2:14,15
Law of faith Rom 3:27; 4:3-5; 11:24
Law of the mind Rom 7:16,21,23
Law of sin 8:23,8:22
Law of righteousness 9:31
Law of God 7:22,25
Law of the Spirit of life, that is the Holy Spirit that works through the redemption of Christ to make free from and to cancel the law of sin and death in all who are in Christ (8:2)
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