Thursday, February 21, 2019

Faith Laws 51-75

51. God opens a door for faith. Acts 14:27: Colossians 4:13

52. Jesus is the door to our life of faith. (John 10:7)

53. Serve with no thought of self, increases faith. Luke 17:5-10

54. Faith is assured of the promise. Hebrews 11:1

55. Faith does not consider a report or evil report against God's promise. Eph. 6:16; Instead he continues to trust God.Psalm 112:7 Isa 53:1

56. Praising God, defeats unbelief. Romans 4:20,21

57.  When you actively rest in trusting God for the answer, you have faith. Hebrews 4:1; Matthew 11:28-30

58. You have to fight for faith. 1 Tim. 6:12 If you can't rest, fight to get to rest in God. 2 Cor 10:3-6; Eph 6:10f Fight in prayer, confession and fight in action.

59. Faith works in Jesus with love, not the understanding of the promise. 2 Corinthians 1:20; Galatians 5:6

60. Faith is kept. 2 Timothy 4:7 you don't give up. Jude 24 God is able to keep you from stumbling. Luke 8:15 Hold fast the word.

61. Hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering. Hebrews 10:23 Speak what God has promised. Luke 8:15 Hold fast the Word.

62. Respond with confession, eagerness and act quickly. Ps 110:3; Luke 8:15 contrasted with shrinking back from walking in faith. Hebrews 10:38; Luke 1:38 Not like Zacharias Luke 1:18

63. The fear of man brings a snare. Proverbs 29:2  The solution is to fear God. Luke 12:5

64. Faith does not get disappointed. Faith continues to believe. Romans 10:11

65. Faith is required because, whatever is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23

66. If you doubt if you should do something, don't do it, because it would not be of faith. Romans 14:23

67.  I would not suggest using a fleece. Many times a fleece is not faith. To use a flees is to walk by chance and sight. It would be like rolling the dice to find God's will. We now have the Holy Spirit to direct us. Rom 8:14; Judges 6:36-40

68. Faith is made strong in weakness. Heb. 11:34; 2 Cor. 12:9 From weakness was made strong. Hebrews 10:34

69. Find people that had a good outcome to their life and imitate their faith. Heb. 13:7,8

70. You can't try faith, you need to believe. Because the test of faith will cause those who try faith to quit. Stay in faith through all trials. Num 13:30-33; Heb 10:38,39

71. When we make Jesus Lord with belief is the beginning of faith. Romans 10:9,10

72. When faith is lacking, love is lacking. Galatians 5:6

73. Arrogance is not faith. 1 Corinthians 8:1,2 knowing the scriptures is not faith.

74. Oral Roberts 3 steps of faith. God is your source Phil 4:19. Sow into your need 2 Cor 9:8. Expect a miracle Mark 11:22-24.

75. Faith speaks about what you believe in. I believe therefore I speak. 2 Cor 4:13; Psalm 73:28

Go to Faith Laws 1-25
Go to Faith Laws 26-50
Go to Faith Laws 51-75
Go to Faith Laws 76-100
Go to Faith Laws 101-125
Go to Faith Laws 126-141
Go to Faith Steps
How to Use These Faith Laws

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