Friday, March 9, 2018

Confession from the verses in Romans 8

1 There is no condemnation in Christ. I am not condemned anymore. I am free from condemnation.

2 I am free from the law of sin, because of the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is enabling.

3 Jesus fulfilled the requirement of the law for me.

4 Now I walk according to the spirit.

5-9 My mind is on the things of the spirit and I walk according to the Spirit. If my mind wanders to fleshly thinking, I will counter it with the word of God.

9-10 Christ is in me and I am alive because of the Spirit.

11 The Spirit has given life to my body and will continue to give life so I can minister.

12-13 I am putting to death the deeds of the flesh and am alive in the Spirit.

14 I am a son of God and am led by the Spirit.

15-16 I am not afraid for  I have God as my father and I am His child.

17 I get what Jesus gets,  as I work with Jesus.

18 The troubles of this world are nothing compared to the rewards of living in the kingdom.

19-22 I am revealed as God's son to set free people and things from corruption into the freedom of God's glory.

23-25 I groan and labor in prayer and wait eagerly for the fulfillment of God's promise to me.

26-27 The Spirit also groans and works with me, according to the will of God.

28 Whatever happens, God turns it for good, because I am working for Christ.

29-30 I am like Jesus because I am called, justified and glorified.

31-32 God is for me, giving me all things as I am with Jesus. If God is for me, who is against me?

33-34 No one can succeeded against me, for Jesus intercedes for me.

35 Nothing can separate me from Christ's love.

36-37 As we die to our life, we conquer through Christ.

38-39 Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.

God's love, enables me to accomplish His goals.

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