Thursday, November 8, 2018

Making Truth Effective - 4 - Resolution of Truth

Once an idea has been learned, there is a war within our minds. Two sides are being formed. The question is being bantered back and forth. Is this idea true or not?

(There are many people who have dismissed the Bible as not true or not livable. A vibrant Christian can't stay in this mindset. A vibrant Christian will look to Scriptural teachings as they really are, the teachings of Jesus. Jesus is not a liar or a deceiver. Numbers 23:19)

Something has to give with the dichotomy of these conflicting ideas. The old way of looking at things and doing things will have to change if we accept new truth. This old way will have to go. How will we respond to God's truth when we hear it? Our life is like soil. The way we receive God's words will show what kind of soil we are made of.

When seed is sown among weeds, it won't have a chance to grow because of competition. To accept God's teachings, the weeds in our life will have to be pulled out, but how? It is possible to renew our minds. Romans 12:1-2 We renew our minds by going over and over the Scriptures we are learning. Pondering and considering them, stating they are true. Emphasize each phrase and let the ideas seep in.

(Note: without laying down our life for Christ and denying our fleshly desires, we won't be able to accept God's words. They will be foolish to us. Romans 12:1)

Our life will move to where our mind dwells. The more we saturate our minds with the truth of God's word, the less we will be thinking that truth is not effective.

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