Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Romans 8:12 Not Living According to the Flesh

So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh—

If we live according to the flesh we must die.

Is this physical death or spiritual death.  The death is a loss of our place in Christ. It is a sleep, so to speak where we become unaware of Spiritual things.

The power of death is overcome in Jesus. Romans 8:2 When we turn back to the ways of the flesh we give up this freedom and fall back again into  the slavery of the flesh.  We don't take advantage of what we have and revert to the natural.

Christian life is a life of faith. If we live in the flesh and our mind on the things of the flesh, we ignore our rights and grace offered to us. The natural fleshly desires will dominate our life. God offers spiritual health and life, but if we ignore our position in Christ we will sink into death.

I have found it is easy to reject a sickness that comes against me at the beginning, but if I let it continue, it will take more work of belief to get rid of the problem. It is the same in the spirit. If we reject sin quickly, we return to living for Jesus. If we let sin continue, we can fall into slavery to sin easily. 

Look at our conscience and be at peace with God. If there is something that is bothering us confess it. If there are people that you are holding grudges against forgive them. If someone holds something against us, make it right. We are not held accountable for our past, because we are under the blood of Jesus. Note: there are consequences for our sin against others and we will live with these consequences. Christ has forgiven us and we can live as Paul lived with a clear conscience because he believed in the saving work of Christ and the provision that was provided.  You can't walk in faith without a clear conscience. Live at peace with everyone as much as you can.

Fearing God will keep us from sin. When I recognize that Jesus is right with me I turn away from sin. When I ignore the fact that Jesus is right with me I am more likely to let my mind return to the things of the flesh. When I am about the things of the spirit, the things of the flesh fall away.

Planning on sinning and holding a grudge will cause us not to be in the spirit but instead the flesh. This insistence to remain in the flesh will do damage to our body, soul and spirit hurting our ability to continue in the spirit.

Hebrews 12:6-8 There is a chastening from the Lord among His children. For He treats them as sons and brings them to a repentant state. When we stay in the mindset of the flesh God will have to chasten us to bring us back. Usually for me, it is a word of Scripture that humbles me.

We live by faith in the Son of God, as we die to our fleshly life. Galatians 2:20 This means to set aside the desires of our flesh and live for the purposes of Christ. We have the Spirit living within and He gives life to our spirit and body. We are not under obligation to live any more according to the flesh. We can live according to the Spirit of God.  We can choose life instead of death. Prov 18:21

Samson lived a life according to his fleshly lusts. Judges 13 - 16 His life turned out bad and was blinded and lost his strength because of his inattention to live for the Lord. He was still a judge, but lost his power until his death. Christians can lose their ability for effectiveness by not being attentive to the things of the Spirit. Let us not be sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:12

Don't neglect what God has given you. Meditate on God's promises and how to use them.

We don't owe, have an obligation or are trapped to be ruled by our flesh in anything. We are not under obligation, have a debt, or owe anything because of our sin. We are free in Jesus! We do have to pay our debts to others, but Jesus has forgiven us and set us free in the spirit.

Our freedom from this obligation or debt allows us to use our life for other things. Just as a mortgage free house frees up your budget to use your money for other things. A mortgage free house makes life easier. One is not under the weight of paying the the mortgage but has freedom to live more as they would like.  We are free to live in the Spirit of God. Romans 8:1 talks of this freedom from condemnation. Then we are free to live for the Spirit by putting our minds on the things of the Spirit. This is what we are made for. Freedom is to live as we were made to live. Bondage keeps us from living as we were made. With the freedom is the joy of the Lord.

We are free from the curse of the law. Galatians 3:13

We are now free to life for Christ. We don't have to pay the flesh its desires. We are free to live as our heart desires, because we are new creatures in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

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