Monday, November 5, 2018

Making Truth Effective

John 8:31-32 “ So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

I have been meditating on this scripture off and on for the past few months. I came across a booklet by Timothy Jorgensen called the “Process of Truth

There are 12 chapters and I am expecting this study to help me in my understanding of John 8:31-32

The Reception of Truth
The Perception of Truth
The Revelation of Truth
The Conclusion of Truth
The confirmation of Truth
The commitment of Truth
The Application of Truth
The Assimilation of Truth
The Transformation of Truth
The Revolution of Truth
The Impartation of Truth

Each day I will comment on the next chapter. Today is chapter one.

The reception of truth takes a commitment of our attention. In the Sower parable there are 4 soils listed. Roadside soil, rocky soil, thorny soil and good soil. The roadside soil are the people that reject the seed of Jesus' teachings out of hand. They don't spend time considering it. Rocky soil are those who accept the teaching but give up on it when problems arise. Thorny soil are the people that are consumed with the worries and pleasures of life. Good soil are the people that receive the word and let it bear fruit in their life.

Note: The Sower parable is recorded in Matthew 13; Mark 4; and Luke 8.

To give a teaching from the Bible a chance to impact our lives, we need to get rid of the distractions that come our way.

Radio, TV, internet, social media, people, problems, other interest. All of these may be valid and useful but should be put aside to give the idea being presented in the Bible or from a teaching at church or a book or a mp3 message or a youtube message a chance. The messenger is presenting a message from the Bible and to allow God's truth to effect our lives, distractions need to be dealt with so we can let the message take effect.

Don't multi-task but instead give the idea your full attention.

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